Senin, 10 September 2012

Model Proses Perangkat Lunak

Hingga kini, kita mengenal beberapa Model Proses Perangkat Lunak, sebagai berikut:
Waterfall Model (classic life cycle - old fashioned but reasonable approach when requirements are well understood)
Incremental Models (deliver software in small but usable pieces, each piece builds on pieces already delivered)
Evolutionary Models
o Prototyping Model (good first step when customer has a legitimate need, but is clueless about the details, developer needs to resist pressure to extend a rough prototype into a production product)
o Spiral Model (couples iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the Waterfall Model)
Concurrent Development Model (concurrent engineering - allows software teams to represent the iterative and concurrent element of any process model)

Selain itu, juga terdapat beberapa Model Proses Khusus, yaitu:
Component-Based Development (spiral model variation in which applications are built from prepackaged software components called classes)
Formal Methods Model (rigorous mathematical notation used to specify, design, and verify computer-based systems)
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (aspect-oriented programming - provides a process for defining, specifying, designing, and constructing software aspects like user interfaces, security, and memory management that impact many parts of the system being developed)

Memasuki tahun 2000-an, seiring dengan makin berkembangnya paradigma pemrograman berorientasi obyek, maka berkembang juga model proses perangkat lunak yang disebut Unified Proces, dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
Use-case driven, architecture centric, iterative, and incremental software process
Attempts to draw on best features of traditional software process models and implements many features of agile software development
1) Inception phase (customer communication and planning)
2) Elaboration phase (communication and modeling)
3) Construction phase
4) Transition phase (customer delivery and feedback)
5) Production phase (software monitoring and support)

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