Banyak yang menerima bahwa kata "software engineering" pertama kali digunakan saat Konfrensi Internasional Pertama Software Engineering yang diselenggarakan oleh NATO di tahun 1968. Namun ternyata terdapay bukti kuat bahwa, software engineering pertama kali digunakan di tahun 1966, oleh seorang Professor yang bernama Anthony Oettinger.
Sumbernya disini:
“A concern with the science of computing and information processing, while undeniably of the utmost importance and an historic root of our organization [i.e. the ACM - BM] is, alone, too exclusive. While much of what we do is or has its root in not only computer and information science, but also many older and better defined sciences, even more is not at all scientific but of a professional and engineering nature. We must recognize ourselves – not necessarily all of us and not necessarily any one of us all the time – as members of an engineering profession, be it hardware engineering or software engineering, a profession without artificial and irrelevant boundaries like that between ‘scientific’ and ‘business’ applications.”
Selengkapnya anda bisa baca pada link dibawah ini:
The origin of “software engineering”