Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Surveys Exploring The Current State of Information Technology Practices

Ternyata, Ambysoft juga memberikan hasil2 survey terkini, terkait Praktek Implementasi Teknologi Informasi,
selengkapnya pada link dibawah ini:

Sangat bermanfaat untuk para peneliti dan pengembang software!

Goodness in programming languages, part 4 – Ownership

Tulisan bersambung tentang komparasi beberapa bahasa pemrograman. C++ unggul dalam beberapa hal, seperti:
  • Modern C++’s clarity about who owns what. By expressing ownership explicitly we make clear our intentions, and avoid memory leaks.
  • Modern C++’s fast and cache-friendly memory handling. Allocating memory for several objects together reduces time spent looking for space, and means caches are more likely to be used.
Goodness in programming languages, part 4 – Ownership

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

RTIK Goes 2 School

Bahan Presentasi Kegiatan RTIK Goes 2 School, bisa diakses disini:

Slide Presentasi:

Buku Pendukung Slide Presentasi:
klik disini

Follow akun twitter saya: @stanlysk dan klik fitur Favorites untuk mendapatkan link2 materi tersebut diatas dan link2 video materi serta gambar pendukung lainnya.

5 Things Learners TODAY Should Be Doing

5 hal KRUSIAL yang harus dipelajari oleh setiap mereka yang BELAJAR di abad 21 ini ...

1. Inquiring
2. Investigasi
3. Collaborating
4. Creating
5. Communicating,

dalam konteks global dan lokal,

baca selengkapnya disini:

The Power of Educational Technology: 5 Things Learners TODAY Should Be Doing: First of all, I have finally found another word for 21st Century. I have struggled with this for a while, "21st century" is such a...

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

The origin of “software engineering”

Banyak yang menerima bahwa kata "software engineering" pertama kali digunakan saat Konfrensi Internasional Pertama Software Engineering yang diselenggarakan oleh NATO di tahun 1968. Namun ternyata terdapay bukti kuat bahwa, software engineering pertama kali digunakan di tahun 1966, oleh seorang Professor yang bernama Anthony Oettinger.

Sumbernya disini:
“A concern with the science of computing and information processing, while undeniably of the utmost importance and an historic root of our organization [i.e. the ACM - BM] is, alone, too exclusive. While much of what we do is or has its root in not only computer and information science, but also many older and better defined sciences, even more is not at all scientific but of a professional and engineering nature. We must recognize ourselves – not necessarily all of us and not necessarily any one of us all the time – as members of an engineering profession, be it hardware engineering or software engineering, a profession without artificial and irrelevant boundaries like that between ‘scientific’ and ‘business’ applications.”

Selengkapnya anda bisa baca pada link dibawah ini:
The origin of “software engineering”