Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Research Paper Web-based Visual Aid

Analysis and Design Web-based e-Visual Aid Application Using PAUS
Stanley Karouw, ST., MTI - stanleykarouw@unsrat.ac.id
Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University

The development of information and communication technology (ICT) further expanded. Web 2.0 as one TICK products provide the opportunity to the users to get information with more interactive and relatively easy to use. The application of e-based Web 2.0 Visual Aid is one solution for Sunday school teachers in teaching interactively by using internet technology. Pusilkom Unified methodology Agile Proces (PAUS) can result in the application of e-based Web 2.0 Visual Aid in a short time and in accordance with the needs and expectations of the users.

1.1 Introduction
Information and communication technology (ICT) is expanding ubiquitos. Web 2.0 as one of the products is increasingly known and used by wider communites, as tools to increase work efficiency. The Church as  an organization began to take advantage of Web 2.0 as one of the tools tfor enhancing efficiency of administration management and as a means of delivery and deployment of the Gospel.
The development of the use of the internet barely any censorship (or limitation) gives a negative impact if it is not managed properly. The internet makes church member, especially of children (under 12 years age group) become more freely ti gain access content and inappropriate content indeed (such as the content of a pornography, violence and disinformation faith or teachings).
The Church needs to make use of the internet and Web 2.0 technology for the benefit of the spread of the Gospel and the strengthening of the faith of the Church, especially the children. One of them by creating content that fostering understanding of the word and the teachings of the faith-related, including content that builds the faith and trust of the Church, especially the future generations, namely children.
The application of e-Web based Visual Aid can be used as a means of can promote Gospels and church teachings. Web-based Visual Aid have certain advantages, due to its relative ease of use, easy to access and interactive manner. In addition, by using Web 2.0 technology, the user can update all learning content continuously

1.2 Formulation of the Problem
The problem that want answered in this research are:
How to develop a web-based e-Visual Aid application which meet the expectations and needs of the user, in a relative short amount of time?

1.3 The Purpose of the Research
The goal of this research is to develop a web-based e-Visual Aid application, which can be used by the child's group for 7 – 12 years old.

1.4 Benefits Research
1. Having field experience for using methodology which based on agility characteristic and object oriented paradigm
2. Helping teachers to convey Biblical materials using modern technology, which is more interactive and exciting.
3. Introducing the Bible story combined with the technology of the internet to children age group 7 – 12 years old.

1.5 Research Scope
1.5.1 Scope
1.  Conduct literature study
2.  Identify user requirements and system. 
3.  Modeling design software.
4.  Do the programming and testing the application.
1.5.2 Limitation Problem
As for the limitations problem in this research are:
1. the application is still in the form of the resulting working prototype; the application model or feature – its main feature running.
2. the application does not give the right to privileged users.
3. the content of stories are animated images.

1.6 Software Development Methodology
The development of these application will follow PAUS ver 1.1 Methodology. PAUS is stands for Pusilkom Agile Unified Process version 1.1. PAUS methodology is a methodology developed by the Enterprise Computing Laboratory, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. PAUS is a software development methodology (software), consists of a series of specific discipline with the division of tasks and responsibilities of the organizational components software developers. 
PAUS is a software development methodology which emphasizes on the agile characteristic and object-oriented paradigm. Agile characteristics emphasizes the involvement of users in any software development process. Object orientated paradigm emphasizes to component application developed.
PAUS methodology can help development teams to work more efficiently in generating quality software products, which meet the needs of users in a timely and appropriate budget.
(read more about the PAUS methodology may refer to the URL: http://ecl.cs.ui.ac.id/PAUS/index.htm  )

1.7 Writing Systematics
Systematics report writing consists of five chapters with the arrangement as follows: 
Chapter I Introduction
This chapter describes the background research, formulation issues, objectives and benefits of the research, the scope and limitations of the issue, a software development methodology.
Chapter II Research Methodology
This chapter describes the research design and research methodology
Chapter III Inception
Chapter III are divided into two parts namely the initiation of projects and project management.
Chapter IV Elaboration
Chapter IV describes the software requirements, i.e. the user requirements, the requirements of the system, the software model.
Chapter V Construction
Chapter V describes the physical architecture of the software; the design of data management, the design of interfaces and implementations of software environment. Describes the process of the codification and pengujuan software.
Chapter VI Transition
Chapter VI describes the deployment guide application and installation guide application.

Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Research Paper Web Portal ANS (Part II)

Analysis and Design Web Portal Amazing North Sulawesi 
using Agile Unified Process Methodology
Stanley Karouw, ST., MTI
Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University Manado

Exotic tourism promotion for investment is one of the main business processes carried out by the Office of Governor of North Sulawesi Province. Using Web 2.0 technology is one of effective strategy in promoting exotic tourism of the province of North Sulawesi. Agile Unified Process (AUP) methodology is one of recent method for developing information systems / applications that are concise and comprehensive, emphasizes the role of the user (user-oriented) with object-oriented development paradigm. Web Portal developed by AUP methodology would produce web-based applications that meet user expectations and needs in relatively short time.
Keywords: Information Systems, Applications, Web Portals, Web 2.0, AUP, UML 2.0 

1.1 Background
The using of internet by the government instituion and society rapidly grow. Internet user grows in number and services. North Sulawesi Local Government, especially the office of Investment Expert Staff seeing this phenomena as opportunity to promote exotic tourism. Using Web 2.0 technology to create competitive advantage as strategic and crusial considerations to foster investment climate for North Sulawesi tourism. Utilization of Web based 2.0 technology is expected to improve service, market share and shaping public opinion by providing targeted and comprehensive information on North Sulawesi exotic tourism, which is easily obtained by anyone, anywhere, anytime using any device.
1.2 Problems
Exotic tourism places owned by North Sulawesi Province is threatened by the onslaught of tourism promotions of some new netrants such as Wakatobi and Raja Amplat. While the number of foriegn tourist realtively declined over the 5 years before, the tourism potential of Bunaken National Park is not fully optimized by stakeholders. Lack of comprehensive information about Bunaken National Park is one of the resons for the decline of foreign tourist visiting. Structuring a comprehensive information related to the potential of tourism placesm tourism activities is one of a strategic solution that must be done to fix the pre-eminent tourism promotion. In addtion, the information must be displayed in such as interative user interface, constantly available for 24/7 and able to be found easily. Web Portal Amazing North Sulawesi is expected to be effective solution. 
1.3 Research Question
The research questions for this paper are 1) how to build architecture application design for web-based 2.0; 2) how to using object oriented paradigm methodology; 3) how to implementing AUP methodology for web-based application.

.... continued from this

4.1 Inception Phase
One of the main artifacts produced in this phase is the Vision document. This document describes the organization / project management and project scope definition. Project management, especially related to the estimation of the major applications to be developed, number of developer required, included time and costs required. Defining project scope mainly involves the identification and classification of user requirements.
4.1.1 Project Management
An important part of which is related to project management is estimate software size, the number of developers required, working time and costs required. Software size estimation, the number of developers required and working time are counted using Function Point Analysis. While the project cost is calculated by using the ROI and NPV.
a. Function Point Analysis
Lines of Code (LOC): TAFP * 44 = 152.29 * 44 = 67000
Estimate Effort Required:
(1.4*LOC)/1000 = (1.4 * 6700) =11.71 person-month
Estimate Time Required:
(3.0 * person-months1/3) = 3.0 * 11.711/3 = 6.8 ≈ 7 months
b. ROI dan NVP
Net Present Value (NPV Cumulative): Rp 5.901.567
Return on Investment (ROI): 52.24%
Break Even Point (BEP): 2.34 bulan
4.1.2 Project Scope Definition
User requirements are classified into functional requirements and non-functional requirements. The focus for application development lies at functional requirements lists. These functional requirements will be modeled through the UML Use Case Diagram. Methods used in gathering the functional requirements is to conduct interviews with stakeholders. Functional Requirements
List of functional requirements are:
1). Viewing Info
1.1 The system can display information about the ads, profile, headline news, main headline news, North Sulawesi Profile and general articles.
1.2  The system can display links.
1.3 The system can displat visitor counter for each pages.
1.4 The system can display currency value and weather report.
2). Managing Info
2.1 Input ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles.
2.2 Edit ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles.
2.3 Delete ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles
2.4 Save ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles.
3). Collaborating
3.1 The system must provide facilities for  posting and reply comments for news, headline, main headline and articles.
3.2 The system must provide sharing and collaborating tools for social media, i.e: facebook, twitter dan G+.
3.3 The system musti provide polling feature. Non-Functional Requirements
For non-functional requirements are distinguished in terms of operational, performance and security. Some non-functional terms to be met by the system are as follows:
Operational Requirements (the physical and technical systems that apply):
1) The system must be displayed in Indonesian and English
2) The system can be operated on a smartphone, desktop and notebook on the optimal display resolution.
3) The system must be able to work on all web browsers.
4) The System must running through the operating system Windows and Linux.
Performance Requirements (speed, capacity and reliability):
1) The system must be used or operated within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 356 days a year.
2) Each user interaction with the system should not be longer than 3 seconds.
Security Requirements
1) The system must provide privilege access for groups of admins and users.
2) The system must provide verification procedure for posting comments.

Banner Result

For Working Software, please click URL: www.amazingnorthsulawesi.com

[1] Schach., Object Oriented Software Engineering, 8th Ed, McGrawHill, 2008. 
[2] Sommerville., Software Engineering, 8th ed, Pearson Education Limited, 2007
[3] Pressman, Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, 6th ed, McGrawHill, Singapura, 2005.
[4] Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden, System Analysis and Design with UML, An Object-Oriented Approach, 3dh ed, John Wiley & Sons, International Student Edition, 2010.
[5] Bentley and Whitten, System Analysis and Design for the Global Enterprise, 7th ed, Mc GrawHill International Edition, 2007.
[6] Kendall and Kendall, System Analysis and Design, 7th ed, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
[7] CMMI Product Team, CMMI® for Development, Version 1.3, Improving processes for developing better products and services, November 2010, TECHNICAL REPORT CMU/SEI-2010-TR-033 , ESC-TR-2010-033, Software Engineering Process Management Program, Unlimited distribution subject to the copyright. http://www.sei.cmu.edu.
[8] Martin Fowler, UML Distilled, A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modelling Language, 3th ed, Pearson Education, 2004.
[9] www.uml.org., Unified Modelling Language: Superstructure Version 2.0, ptc/03-08-02.
[10] Philippe Kruchten, The Rational Unified Process An Introduction, 3rd ed, Pearson Education, 2004.

Research Paper Web Portal ANS

Analysis and Design Web Portal Amazing North Sulawesi 
using Agile Unified Process Methodology
Stanley Karouw, ST., MTI
Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University Manado

Exotic tourism promotion for investment is one of the main business processes carried out by the Office of Governor of North Sulawesi Province. Using Web 2.0 technology is one of effective strategy in promoting exotic tourism of the province of North Sulawesi. Agile Unified Process (AUP) methodology is one of recent method for developing information systems / applications that are concise and comprehensive, emphasizes the role of the user (user-oriented) with object-oriented development paradigm. Web Portal developed by AUP methodology would produce web-based applications that meet user expectations and needs in relatively short time.
Keywords: Information Systems, Applications, Web Portals, Web 2.0, AUP, UML 2.0 

1.1 Background
The using of internet by the government instituion and society rapidly grow. Internet user grows in number and services. North Sulawesi Local Government, especially the office of Investment Expert Staff seeing this phenomena as opportunity to promote exotic tourism. Using Web 2.0 technology to create competitive advantage as strategic and crusial considerations to foster investment climate for North Sulawesi tourism. Utilization of Web based 2.0 technology is expected to improve service, market share and shaping public opinion by providing targeted and comprehensive information on North Sulawesi exotic tourism, which is easily obtained by anyone, anywhere, anytime using any device.
1.2 Problems
Exotic tourism places owned by North Sulawesi Province is threatened by the onslaught of tourism promotions of some new netrants such as Wakatobi and Raja Amplat. While the number of foriegn tourist realtively declined over the 5 years before, the tourism potential of Bunaken National Park is not fully optimized by stakeholders. Lack of comprehensive information about Bunaken National Park is one of the resons for the decline of foreign tourist visiting. Structuring a comprehensive information related to the potential of tourism placesm tourism activities is one of a strategic solution that must be done to fix the pre-eminent tourism promotion. In addtion, the information must be displayed in such as interative user interface, constantly available for 24/7 and able to be found easily. Web Portal Amazing North Sulawesi is expected to be effective solution. 
1.3 Research Question
The research questions for this paper are 1) how to build architecture application design for web-based 2.0; 2) how to using object oriented paradigm methodology; 3) how to implementing AUP methodology for web-based application.

2.1 Software Lifecycle Models
Software lifecycle models, presented by Schach[1], Sommerville[2], Pressman[3]
Dennis, Wixom dan Tegarden[4] That stages is similar which Bentley dan Whitten[5] proposed. While Kendall dan Kendall[6] proposes 7 (seven) steps for SDLC
Software Engineering Institute – Carnegie Mellon (SEI)[7] proposed a framework which called CMMI for Development (CMMI – DEV).
2.2 Unified Modelling Language (UML)
UML stand for Unified Modeling Language, a modeling notations for software applications. Schach[1] confirms that the UML is a language rather than a method. As a language, UML is used to describe software that is developed with a variety of software development paradigm and methodology. Schach opinion[1] is supported by Sommerville[2] and Pressman[3].
Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden[4], Bentley and Whitten[5], Kendall and Kendall[6]. Fowler[8].
UML is an open standard governed by the Object Management Group (OMG), an open consortium. OMG serves to create standards that support interoperability of object-oriented systems. The latest version of UML is the UML ver 2.0[9]. According to Kruchten[10].
2.3 Agile Unified Process (AUP) Methodology
Unified Process (UP) is one of methodhology for software system development using object-oriented paradigm. UP is a combination of several methodologies which developed by Graddy Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson[4].
Agile approach began to emerge in software development in the era of the 2000s. Principles of agile approaches can be found at Agile Alliance[11]. Aoyama[12] explains. Jacobson[13] describes ...

Stages of problem solving methodology AUP, followed all steps proposed by Center of Computer Science (Pusilkom) - University of Indonesia[14]. This Agile UP guide refers to the methodology created by Ambysoft Inc.[15] (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). The phases of analysis and design phases are as follows:
1) Inception, with the activity of defining project scope, cost estimating and scheduling, define risk, making the feasibility of the project and prepare a project execution environment (team work, installation, and so on). Iteration process is done once. Generated artifacts include Vision, Supplementary Specification, dokumen Glossary, Gantt Chart dan Iteration Plan.

Figure 1. AUP Phases (reference link: http://ecl.cs.ui.ac.id/PAUS/index.htm)

Gambar 2. AUP Process Activities (reference link: http://ecl.cs.ui.ac.id/PAUS/index.htm)

2) Elaboration, with the activity of identifying and validating the application architecture. Iteration process can be done one to two times. The resulting artifacts are UML Use Case, Architecture Model (update and snapshot), Architecture Prototype Code, Scenario Test Plan, Business Rule Document, Updated Supplementary and Glossary Document.
3) Construction, with modeling activities, build and test system applications (unit testing) as well as supporting documentation. Iteration process can be done two to eight times. The resulting artifacts are Updated Use Case, Updated Supplementary and Glossary, Domain Model (snapshot), UML Activity Diagram (snapshot), UML Class Diagram (snapshot), CRC Card, UML Sequence Diagram (snapshot), Source Code, Code Documentation, Regression Test Suite, Acceptance Test dan Bugs Report.
4) Transition, with activity testing the system (system integration and user testing), review the application and the system, and installation for the working application system. Iteration process can be done one to two times. The resulting artifacts are System Requirement Specification Document, System Technical Specification Document, User Installation Manual and User Manual, Training Document, Regression Test Suite, User Acceptance Test and Bugs Report (final update).

AUP guide from Pusilkom UI also provides best practice in conducting any activity in each phase. These guidelines also distinguish artifacts generated document, as the main artifact, artifacts, and supporting input artifacts and output artifacts. This guide also provides LCO (Lifecycle Objective) in the form of documents and presentations of each phase, as targets to be achieved before proceeding to the next phase. For the purposes of writing this paper, the authors will limit the artifacts to be displayed.

Continued here

[1] Schach., Object Oriented Software Engineering, 8th Ed, McGrawHill, 2008. 
[2] Sommerville., Software Engineering, 8th ed, Pearson Education Limited, 2007
[3] Pressman, Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, 6th ed, McGrawHill, Singapura, 2005.
[4] Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden, System Analysis and Design with UML, An Object-Oriented Approach, 3dh ed, John Wiley & Sons, International Student Edition, 2010.
[5] Bentley and Whitten, System Analysis and Design for the Global Enterprise, 7th ed, Mc GrawHill International Edition, 2007.
[6] Kendall and Kendall, System Analysis and Design, 7th ed, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
[7] CMMI Product Team, CMMI® for Development, Version 1.3, Improving processes for developing better products and services, November 2010, TECHNICAL REPORT CMU/SEI-2010-TR-033 , ESC-TR-2010-033, Software Engineering Process Management Program, Unlimited distribution subject to the copyright. http://www.sei.cmu.edu.
[8] Martin Fowler, UML Distilled, A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modelling Language, 3th ed, Pearson Education, 2004.
[9] www.uml.org., Unified Modelling Language: Superstructure Version 2.0, ptc/03-08-02.
[10] Philippe Kruchten, The Rational Unified Process An Introduction, 3rd ed, Pearson Education, 2004.

Praktikum Metode Numerik Revisited

Berikut ini adalah kumpulan link terkait Praktikum Metode Numerik

Pengantar Kalkulus dan Metode Numerik, klik disini:

Metode Bagi Dua, klik disini

Metode Posisi Palsu klik disini

Metode Newton Rhapson, klik disini

Metode Secant, klik disini

Metode Eliminasi Gauss, klik disini

Metode Iterasi Jacobi, klik disini:

Metode Eliminasi Gauss Seidel, klik disini

Metode Least Square, klik disini

Beberapa catatan penting, terkait kompetensi Praktikum Metode Numerik:
(1) Membandingkan Algoritma dan Script dari Metode Bagi Dua dan Posisi Palsu dalam Penentuan Solusi;
(2) Ketepatan algoritma dan script Metode Newton-Rhapson dalam Penentuan Solusi Persamaan Non Linier;
(3) Mencari Solusi dengan Pendekatan Metode Secant;
(4) Membandingkan Solusi Persamaan Linier dengan Metode Jacobi VS Gauss-Seidel;
(5) Menerapkan algoritma dan script Metode Gauss Seidel untuk Menemukan Solusi SPL;
(6) Menggunakan algoritma dan script metode Least Square Untuk menemukan solusi.

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Automatic Weather Stations - Bagian 2

[Tulisan ini dibuat sebagai contoh Bahan Penelitian untuk Kerja Praktek Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro dan Teknik Informatika, Bagian Pertama dari Tulisan ini, dapat dibaca pada link dibawah ini:

Perangkat Authomatic Weather Stations - AWS 

Perangkat AWS
Secara umum perangkat atau komponen yang di butuh kan untuk membangun AWS di bagi menjadi beberapa bagian utama yaitu :
1. Sensor
Sensor digunakan pada AWS adalah jantung dan jiwa dari sistem. Oleh karena itu banyak perawatan harus dilakukan ketika memilih sensor yang tepat untuk kebutuhan pengguna.AWS standar Biro menggunakan sensor untuk memantau temperature, kelembaban, kecepatan angin dan arah, tekanan dan curah hujan. Sensor lanjutan lainnya yang tersedia untuk aplikasi khusus. Sensor ini dapat memantau ketinggian awan (ceilometer), visibilitas, cuaca saat ini, badai, suhu tanah (pada kisaran kedalaman) dan suhu terestrial. Biro ini juga menyelidiki jenis lain dari sistem seperti penguapan otomatis.
Ada beberapa karakteristik mendasar yang membentuk akurasi dan presisi dari sensor.
  • Resolusi - perubahan terkecil dapat mendeteksi perangkat (ini tidak sama dengan akurasi perangkat).
  • Pengulangan - kemampuan sensor untuk mengukur parameter lebih dari satu kali dan menghasilkan hasil yang sama dalam keadaan yang identik.
  • Response time - biasanya didefinisikan sebagai waktu yang dibutuhkan sensor untuk mengukur 63% dari perubahan.
  • Drift - kestabilan kalibrasi sensor dengan waktu.
  • Histeresis - kemampuan sensor untuk menghasilkan pengukuran yang sama apakah fenomena ini meningkatkan atau menurunkan.
  • Linearitas - penyimpangan sensor dari perilaku garis lurus yang ideal.

Beberapa jenis sensor yang terdapat pada Automatic Weather Station (AWS) antara lain adalah :
a. Sensor Arah Angin
Sensor ini berfungsi untuk mengukur arah angin dalam rentang ukurantara 0 - 360 derajat. Terdapat aneka merk dari beragam produsenbaik dari luar maupun dalam negeri.
b. Sensor Kecepatan Angin
Sensor ini mengukur kecepatan angin, biasanya menggunakan tiga buah piringan (cup) yang bergerak memutar tiang cup yang menghasilkan frekuensi berubah-ubah yang proporsional dengan kecepatan angin. 
c. Sensor Kelembaban Udara
Kelembaban Udara diukur menggunakan suatu sensor kapasitor tipis. Sinyal dari sensor kemudian diubah menjadi dua keluaran sinyal voltase.
d. Sensor Curah Hujan
Volume atau jumlah hujan yang jatuh diukur menggunakan sensor jenis Tipping Bucket. Di pasaran terdapat beragam merk Sensor Curah Hujan seperti Global Water, AllWeather, Vaisala, Casella dan lain-lain.
e. Sensor Radiasi Matahari
2. Data  Logger
Data logger adalah sebuah alat elektronik yang berfungsi mencatat data dari waktu ke waktu baik yang terintegrasi dengan sensor dan instrumen didalamnya maupun ekternal sensor dan instrumen.
Produk luar : CampbellSci, Seba, dll
Produk lokal : Smartdatalogger
3. Catu Daya
Catu Daya berasal dari battery dan solar panel yang berfingsi memberi tenaga kepada AWS agar bisa bekerja secara terus menerus.
4. Penangkal Petir
Berfungsi untuk menetralisir arus bertegangan tinggi dan mengamankan peralatan AWS baik sensor maupun peralatan lainnya.
Diantaranya : Kurn (Lokal), Neoflash, Leader (Prancis), Leitai (Cina)
5. Sistem Akuisisi Data
Merupakan sebuah sistem pengukuran penomena fisik atau listrik seperti tegangan, arus, temperatur dari sensor AWS oleh perangkat akuisisi data yang diteruskan ke komputer untuk diolah dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel atau grafik.
6. Sistem Komunikasi Data
Terdiri dari modem komuniksi GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) 
dan Software Sistem maupun Software Aplikasi yang berfingsi menyimpan dan mengirim data pengamatan.
7. Sarana Penunjang
Berupa tiang, pagar,komputer untuk AWS portable biasa menggunakan trimpot yang bisa di pindah.   

Konfigurasi Perangkat AWS-IP
Sistem telemetri data AWS tersiri dari GPRS, SMS, dial up, dan RF. Dalam sistem telemetri GPRS dan dial up, layanannya memanfaatkan operator GSM komersial dan internet. Dengan demikian, pengguna memperoleh data secara real time dalam bentuk grafik dan data unduhan. Sistem telemetri SMS dimanfaatkan untuk pengiriman data periodik. Data ini dikirimkan sebagai peringatan dini kepada pengguna. Sementara itu, dengan sistem telemetri RF, pengiriman data AWS ke pengguna dilakukan dengan menggunakan frekuensi radio VHF/ UHF. Keuntungan telemetri RF ini adalah bebas biaya.

Sistem telemetri data AWS

Skema Konfigurasi Pengiriman Data pada Sistem Informasi AWS