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Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Research Paper Web-based Visual Aid

Analysis and Design Web-based e-Visual Aid Application Using PAUS
Stanley Karouw, ST., MTI - stanleykarouw@unsrat.ac.id
Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University

The development of information and communication technology (ICT) further expanded. Web 2.0 as one TICK products provide the opportunity to the users to get information with more interactive and relatively easy to use. The application of e-based Web 2.0 Visual Aid is one solution for Sunday school teachers in teaching interactively by using internet technology. Pusilkom Unified methodology Agile Proces (PAUS) can result in the application of e-based Web 2.0 Visual Aid in a short time and in accordance with the needs and expectations of the users.

1.1 Introduction
Information and communication technology (ICT) is expanding ubiquitos. Web 2.0 as one of the products is increasingly known and used by wider communites, as tools to increase work efficiency. The Church as  an organization began to take advantage of Web 2.0 as one of the tools tfor enhancing efficiency of administration management and as a means of delivery and deployment of the Gospel.
The development of the use of the internet barely any censorship (or limitation) gives a negative impact if it is not managed properly. The internet makes church member, especially of children (under 12 years age group) become more freely ti gain access content and inappropriate content indeed (such as the content of a pornography, violence and disinformation faith or teachings).
The Church needs to make use of the internet and Web 2.0 technology for the benefit of the spread of the Gospel and the strengthening of the faith of the Church, especially the children. One of them by creating content that fostering understanding of the word and the teachings of the faith-related, including content that builds the faith and trust of the Church, especially the future generations, namely children.
The application of e-Web based Visual Aid can be used as a means of can promote Gospels and church teachings. Web-based Visual Aid have certain advantages, due to its relative ease of use, easy to access and interactive manner. In addition, by using Web 2.0 technology, the user can update all learning content continuously

1.2 Formulation of the Problem
The problem that want answered in this research are:
How to develop a web-based e-Visual Aid application which meet the expectations and needs of the user, in a relative short amount of time?

1.3 The Purpose of the Research
The goal of this research is to develop a web-based e-Visual Aid application, which can be used by the child's group for 7 – 12 years old.

1.4 Benefits Research
1. Having field experience for using methodology which based on agility characteristic and object oriented paradigm
2. Helping teachers to convey Biblical materials using modern technology, which is more interactive and exciting.
3. Introducing the Bible story combined with the technology of the internet to children age group 7 – 12 years old.

1.5 Research Scope
1.5.1 Scope
1.  Conduct literature study
2.  Identify user requirements and system. 
3.  Modeling design software.
4.  Do the programming and testing the application.
1.5.2 Limitation Problem
As for the limitations problem in this research are:
1. the application is still in the form of the resulting working prototype; the application model or feature – its main feature running.
2. the application does not give the right to privileged users.
3. the content of stories are animated images.

1.6 Software Development Methodology
The development of these application will follow PAUS ver 1.1 Methodology. PAUS is stands for Pusilkom Agile Unified Process version 1.1. PAUS methodology is a methodology developed by the Enterprise Computing Laboratory, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. PAUS is a software development methodology (software), consists of a series of specific discipline with the division of tasks and responsibilities of the organizational components software developers. 
PAUS is a software development methodology which emphasizes on the agile characteristic and object-oriented paradigm. Agile characteristics emphasizes the involvement of users in any software development process. Object orientated paradigm emphasizes to component application developed.
PAUS methodology can help development teams to work more efficiently in generating quality software products, which meet the needs of users in a timely and appropriate budget.
(read more about the PAUS methodology may refer to the URL: http://ecl.cs.ui.ac.id/PAUS/index.htm  )

1.7 Writing Systematics
Systematics report writing consists of five chapters with the arrangement as follows: 
Chapter I Introduction
This chapter describes the background research, formulation issues, objectives and benefits of the research, the scope and limitations of the issue, a software development methodology.
Chapter II Research Methodology
This chapter describes the research design and research methodology
Chapter III Inception
Chapter III are divided into two parts namely the initiation of projects and project management.
Chapter IV Elaboration
Chapter IV describes the software requirements, i.e. the user requirements, the requirements of the system, the software model.
Chapter V Construction
Chapter V describes the physical architecture of the software; the design of data management, the design of interfaces and implementations of software environment. Describes the process of the codification and pengujuan software.
Chapter VI Transition
Chapter VI describes the deployment guide application and installation guide application.

Kamis, 05 April 2012

Website Amazing North Sulawesi per Maret 2012

Tak terasa, sebulan sudah website Amazing North Sulawesi "beredar" di internet. Terdapat banyak kemajuan yang dapat dibanggakan dan kekurangan yang harus diperbaiki. Tulisan ini dibuat sebagai apresiasi dan evaluasi Tim Amazing North Sulawesi. 
 Menurut aplikasi counter Amazing North Sulawesi maka terdapat beberapa fakta jumlah visitor, yakni: 
1. Aplikasi Visitor Counter (halaman depan) menunjukkan bahwa website telah dikunjungi sebanyak 3142 pengunjung. 
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7. Visitor Pembaca headlines MS Amadea Visited North Sulawesi sebanyak 389 kali. 
8. Visitor Pembaca headlines Pacific Partnership sebanyak 301 kali. 
9. Visitor Pembaca headlines Jacko Siapkan Kapal Pengangkut Sampah sebanyak 373 kali. 
 Jadi, total pembaca konten berita per Maret 2012 adalah sekitar 17.223 visitor. 

Data ini jika dibandingkan dengan data yang terdapat dari-sisi server, maka hampir mirip. Menurut server Web Amazing North Sulawesi, utk bulan Maret 2012 terdapat 16.689 kali akses yang berhasil mengakses halaman-halaman web ANS. Data sisi-server juga menyebutkan bahwa halaman-halaman web ANS diakses oleh alamat IP dari sekitar 34 negara, dgn asal negara adalah Indonesia, Rusia dan Amerika yang terbanyak. 

Menurut hemat saya, ditinjau dari sudut pandang "jumlah kunjungan" maka, website Amazing North Sulawesi cukup fantastis. Tapi, dalam dunia digital, begitu banyak beredar aplikasi-aplikasi berbasis web yang mmeberikan "jasa perhitungan" secara free. Sebut saja www.alexa.com di http://www.alexa.com/ ataupun Google Analytics di http://www.google.com/analytics/ . Alexa.com sangat populer dikalangan media Indonesia, dan hasil perhitungannya menjadi acuan. Google Analytics, sebagai produk yang baru, belum begitu populer, namun cukup presisi dalam memberikan perhitungan. Menurut statistik www.alexa.com maka Peringkat Web Amazing North Sulawesi di level Internasional ada pada peringkat 10 jutaan. Sangat jauh dari beberapa website koran lokal yang ada di Manado. Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi? Tentu saja, algoritma perhitungan yang digunakan kedua mesin itu (alexa.com dan web server statistik internal ANS) berbeda. Alexa.com mengirung peringkat Traffic Rank sebuah website, dgn menggunakan logika "long tail", dimana singkatnya Alexa.com akan membandingkan jumlah traffic suatu web, dengan web similar yang lain dengan jumlah pengguna internet secara internasional. Ini berarti algoritma perhitungan dari mesin Alexa.com akan menghasilkan statistik perhitungan yang cenderung dinamis, yakni berubah-ubah disetiap waktu. Jika, dibandingkan dengan perhitungan yang digunakan oleh Web Server ANS, yang cenderung menghitung jumlah hit berdasarkan request yang masuk atau berhasil-akses di setiap halaman-halaman web ANS

Jika ditanyakan kepada saya, manakah yang lebih detail? Maka saya akan menjawabnya: kedua-duanya detail. Hanya berbeda dalam "sudut-pandang" perhitungannya saja. Sehingga, yang menentukan metode perhitungan mana yang akan digunakan, tentu saja diserahkan kembali pada stakeholders atau project owner. Website Amazing North Sulawesi telah membuktikan bahwa informasi pariwisata unggulan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara layak dijual dan berharga di mata internasional. 

Sebagai seorang peneliti dalam bidang pemanfaatan TI, maka saya memiliki acuan dan standar yang berbeda dalam mengukur keberhasilan suatu aplikasi web berbasis Web 2.0. Yakni dgn mengajukan pertanyaan: 
berapa besar manfaat yang didapatkan oleh Sulawesi Utara? 

Perhitungan besar manfaat ini, menjadi tantangan tersendiri yang sulit untuk dikerjakan! Semoga official website Amazing North Sulawesi makin maju dan memberikan impact positif; keunggulan kompetitif bagi Sulawesi Utara.