Berikut ini adalah sebuah teknik pembuatan Use Case Diagram pada studi kasus aplikasi berbasis Web 2.0. Langkah-langkah penentuan requirements, mengikuti pendekatan agile, yakni dimulai dengan pendefinisian masalah, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemodelan permasalahan. Persyaratan perangkat lunak, dikelompokkan dengan teknik QFD, dan menghasilkan persyaratan fungsional dan non fungsional.
1.1 Background
The using of internet by the government instituion and society rapidly grow. Internet user grows in number and services. North Sulawesi Local Government, especially the office of Investment Expert Staff seeing this phenomena as opportunity to promote exotic tourism. Using Web 2.0 technology to create competitive advantage as strategic and crusial considerations to foster investment climate for North Sulawesi tourism. Utilization of Web based 2.0 technology is expected to improve service, market share and shaping public opinion by providing targeted and comprehensive information on North Sulawesi exotic tourism, which is easily obtained by anyone, anywhere, anytime using any device.
1.2 Problems
Exotic tourism places owned by North Sulawesi Province is threatened by the onslaught of tourism promotions of some new netrants such as Wakatobi and Raja Amplat. While the number of foriegn tourist realtively declined over the 5 years before, the tourism potential of Bunaken National Park is not fully optimized by stakeholders. Lack of comprehensive information about Bunaken National Park is one of the resons for the decline of foreign tourist visiting. Structuring a comprehensive information related to the potential of tourism placesm tourism activities is one of a strategic solution that must be done to fix the pre-eminent tourism promotion. In addtion, the information must be displayed in such as interative user interface, constantly available for 24/7 and able to be found easily. Web Portal Amazing North Sulawesi is expected to be effective solution.
1.3 Functional Requirements
1). Viewing Info
1.1 The system can display information about the ads, profile, headline news, main headline news, North Sulawesi Profile and general articles.
1.2 The system can display links.
1.3 The system can displat visitor counter for each pages.
1.4 The system can display currency value and weather report.
2). Managing Info
2.1 Input ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles.
2.2 Edit ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles.
2.3 Delete ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles
2.4 Save ads, profile, news, headline, main headline and articles.
3). Collaborating
3.1 The system must provide facilities for posting and reply comments for news, headline, main headline and articles.
3.2 The system must provide sharing and collaborating tools for social media, i.e: facebook, twitter dan G+.
3.3 The system musti provide polling feature.
1.4. Non-Functional Requirements
For non-functional requirements are distinguished in terms of operational, performance and security. Some non-functional terms to be met by the system are as follows:
Operational Requirements (the physical and technical systems that apply):
1) The system must be displayed in Indonesian and English
2) The system can be operated on a smartphone, desktop and notebook on the optimal display resolution.
3) The system must be able to work on all web browsers.
4) The System must running through the operating system Windows and Linux.
Performance Requirements (speed, capacity and reliability):
1) The system must be used or operated within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 356 days a year.
2) Each user interaction with the system should not be longer than 3 seconds.
Security Requirements
1) The system must provide privilege access for groups of admins and users.
2) The system must provide verification procedure for posting comments.
Gambar Use Case dan Use Case Description adalah sebagai berikut:
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